Plan Your Life

10 Challenges for Nerds | From Fitness to Planning in September 2016

It’s Thursday and that means it’s #BeautiesOnFire day again! I had a lot of ideas for this week when I heard it was Pokemon, though to be honest… I’m not really a fan. I do enjoy saying “Pi-ka-chuuu” in various tones to be a dork, and Charmander will always be my favorite, but it’s just… Continue reading 10 Challenges for Nerds | From Fitness to Planning in September 2016

Plan Your Life

6 Apps to Kickstart Weight Loss Right Now!

So you set a goal to get that beach body… and it’s already into the prime beach season… and already nearing the end, but you maybe dropped a third of what you wanted? If that? Sound familiar? Me too, girl, me too. But it’s not the time to wait for another season to start. And… Continue reading 6 Apps to Kickstart Weight Loss Right Now!