
Adjusting Your Expectations of Yourself

I’ve been putting this post off for about 3 weeks, but after reading Naomi’s post that matched so much of what I’ve been feeling, I’m biting the bullet and writing this out.

Both of the last two months, I’ve gotten all set to have an amazing month… and then had a few crash and burn days or weeks. Most of the time it’s personal issues, either feeling stressed or sick or emotionally exhausted.

If you follow my “All About” series on resources for bloggers, or my “Better Blogger Challenge” series, you probably noticed a lack of those posts lately. These aren’t stopping! But, it might take me until the end of the month to get back on track with them.

I’m giving myself a break. Not by not posting, but to have a bit of freedom to catch up on the posts I need to do for some amazing products I’ve been sent, and of course keep up with my #BeautiesOnFire posts.

My goal WAS to follow a posting schedule. For this month? That’s not my goal. I made a movable, physical calendar so I can adjust to what I’m in the mood to write, and change as things come up. This month my goal is to get Ahead on posts, even if it means going slower with actually posting them.

Sometimes you have to adjust your expectations of yourself and let go of the stress and commitment, even if there’s no visible reason that a change happened to require a turning point.

  • This month I will not just post the second I’m done.
  • This month I will sit down to work for 30 minute sessions on future posts.
  • This month I will get caught up on my time-sensitive posts.
  • This month I will not guilt or pressure myself unnecessarily.
  • This month I will spend more time enjoying blogging and appreciating my fellow bloggers than I do stressing out about posting or even stats.

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also feel free to add me on Facebook as a friend 🙂

7 thoughts on “Adjusting Your Expectations of Yourself

    1. I’ve had a few direct collaborations, both through companies that have come across my blog and due to my email being available on my Amazon reviewer profile, I also use Brandbacker, Crowdtap, Influenster, Smiley360, BzzAgent, Tomoson, LootHoot, and a few other “reviewer” platforms that you can either apply for campaigns or get offered them. I’ve got a series that already has a few of them up here, that I’ll be starting to add more to in the next couple weeks again 🙂 https://thatgeekygirlfriend.wordpress.com/tag/all-about/ 🙂

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  1. NEVER PRESSURE YOURSELF IN BLOGGING! Blogging is for fun and shouldn’t be a chore so I totally agree with your expectations. You go girl!


  2. No one else is putting this pressure on you except for you. It’s hard to adjust expectations but it’s all part of “going with the flow” of life. The blog is supposed to be a hobby, for fun, right? Why should it become a chore then. Be kind to yourself!


  3. I hope you’re doing okay, I really am here for you if you ever need it. It was so hard for me to write that post, but I think doing it subconsciously allowed me to forgive myself for what I felt guilty about. I now have a bit less pressure on myself. Thank you for sharing. This has really helped me! If you aren’t doing it already, I really recommend joining in with Twitter Chats. Especially #GRLPOWR. Some of the most supportive people you will meet – never fail to make me smile! xx

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Hey girl!