
Had to peek behind the curtain didn’t you?

Well Hi, I’m the inept girly girly behind the blog.

I’m a 24 year old editorial photographer, ex-advertising major, graphic designer, blogger, and semi-closet sociopath (I like people… I just like them better through a screen!).

My background is wide, and vast, and somehow that sounds self insulting doesn’t it? But I’ve done everything in my past from starting a not-for-profit project collecting thousands of dollars and pounds of donations in petfood, to providing foster care for over 300 pets in just a few years, onto fashion and editorial photography, designing websites, creating logos, and trying to discover who I am in comparison to who I want to be.

Somehow that means a hell of a lot of books, some minor to moderate swearing, beauty and yummy subscription boxes, an adventure in bullet journaling, and a blog for all of you.

I’m Sarra, I’m crazy, and welcome!

For collaborations, product reviews, or other business inquiries, please feel free to email me at thatgeekygirlfriend@gmail.com.

8 thoughts on “About

Hey girl!